Monday, February 4, 2013

We LOVE to Read at SSES!

written by Hannah and Indiana
SSES Bloggers

Today we had our I LOVE to Read assembly.  Ms. Lachuta read us "Oh, the Places You'll Go!" by Dr. Seuss to kick-off our Seussical month!  Throughout the month, we are going to do different reading activities such as Flashflight Fridays and Guess the Reader.  We have to listen and figure out who is reading the Dr. Seuss books.  We have a calendar with all of the activities.  We will have so much fun!!!

Our old computer lab has been transformed into Seussville!  A special thank you to Mrs. Magnusson, Ms. Lachuta, Mrs. Johannesson, Mrs. Poloski, Mrs. Klein and Mrs. Ferguson for creating such a magical space!  Our I Love to Read committee rocks!!!

We had our first guest reader today.  The Honorable, Mr. Peter Bjornson visited the Grade 1s, 3s and 4s.  He read "The Lorax" and "Green Eggs and Ham," one of his favourite childhood books.  He donated three books to our school library.  Thank you, Mr. Bjornson!

If we read 100, 000 minutes.....Mrs. Cuthbert will dance to "Gangnam Style."  We got to show her how to dance Gangnam Style today!!!  Mrs. Magnusson gave us a sneak peak of what Mrs. Cuthbert will look like on the JibJab app on her iPhone.  We can't wait to see it!  It will be funny!!!

Mr. Peter Bjornson ~ our guest reader!

We LOVE to read at SSES!!!!

1 comment:

  1. It was so fun dancing Gangnam Style. We liked showing Mrs. Cuthbert how to dance. The video of Mrs. Cuthbert was funny! Mr. Bjornson read to us. He used to teach High School kids. He read us "The Lorax." It was funny! I liked when Ms. Lachuta read, "Oh, The Places You'll Go!" We got to write in our journals about the first day of I Love to Read month. We LOVE to read in Grade 1!
