Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Our Kindergarten Friends ~ New Pet Frogs!!!!

 written by Mr. Welch's Kindergarten class
Our class has 2 frogs.  They are brown with black dots.  Their names are Freddie and Finellopi.  Frog starts with the letter f!  They have spikey feet that are webbed.  These help them swim.  We feed our frogs frog food.  It looks like our fish food that we give to Bernie.  We read "Froggy Goes to School" when Mr. Welch brought our frogs to school.


written by Mrs. Mill's Kindergarten class
Our frogs jump and swim.  Their names are Bongo and Joe.  The frogs came from the store.  Our frogs are greenish brown with a little bit of black.  They live in water in a little glass box.  Whenever the frogs see the black fish they look at each other.  We think they are friends!  If the frogs were making a wish for Christmas, they would wish for food, water, a seashell and a little frog house!


  1. We think your frogs are cute! It looks like their terrariums are big! We think they have a great home. We like the pink stones! The frogs in each class look the same! We can see the stretchy webs between their toes. We loved your stories!!! from Room 130

  2. Super awesome guys! Love the new additions to your classrooms :D I am hearing a lot about Bongo and Joe.

  3. Welcome Freddy, Finellopi, Bongo, and Joe to SSES! You are lucky to join such a wonderful family, especially Mrs. Mills' and Mr. Welch's Kindergarten classrooms. I know they will all take such good care of you.We haven't had pet frogs at our school yet so it will be so much fun to learn about them and how they interact with each other. Have fun!
