Monday, March 10, 2014

I Love to Read Celebration!

written by Hunter
Our school had an I Love to Read celebration on February 28th.  A scientist came to do experiments with us.  Mrs. Cuthbert and Mrs. Moar dressed up as scientists, too.
The scientist made Eggbert, the egg, go into his house (a bottle) because he ate a lot.  I was surprised when it went into the bottle.  She made bubbles from dry ice.  Her son needed it because he is a hockey player and he likes bubbles baths.
Everyone in the school enjoyed watching it!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations to all students for their efforts to increase their reading during I Love to Read Month. Our lives are enriched when we are immersed in literature....poetry, picture books, comics, blogs, lyrics to songs, novels, short stories, fiction, non-fiction, newspapers etc. Reading takes us places that we could never even imagine...and opens up the doors to knowledge, new ideas, and endless possibilities. Thanks to our I Love to Read committee and to our many guest readers. We had so much fun celebrating this month and at SSES-we love to read everyday!!! Thank you Hunter and Mrs. Michaluk for sharing this wonderful experience for our school.
