Monday, November 10, 2014

My First Poppy

Mrs. Magnusson's class created a beautiful video to share the Remembrance Day story, "My First Poppy."
My First Poppy

inspired by "Mark's First Poppy" written by Carole Crawford (


  1. WOW! Great job Mrs. Magnusson's grade 3/4s! Thank you for sharing such an important message in such a lovely way.

  2. I am in awe everyday of the ways this school creates such positive messages for our kids. Thank you.

  3. What wonderful video and story. Great collaboration. Thanks for sharing .

  4. Thank you Mrs. Magnusson and students for creating such an incredible video to honor those who have sacrificed so much for us. We are so fortunate to live in this beautiful country. I had tears in my eyes when you shared this video at our assembly and I was so incredibly proud of all of you. Peace begins with each one of us every day, in our classrooms, in the hallways, on the bus, on the playground, at the skating arena....everywhere we go, we can make the world a better place by our kindness. Together we are better! Congratulations !!
