Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Bag it Up Challenge October 2015

written by Alethea and Kerrigan
We collected plastic bags over the past month.  We counted the bags.  We put them into piles of 10 until all of the bags were gone.  Sometimes there were leftover bags to make a pile less than 10 like 8.  We counted by 10s to add up the total.  It was so much easier to count by 10s than individually.  Even counting by groups of 5 would take longer!  We put the piles around the perimeter of the gym.
Once we counted them, we put them into a big bag.  The bags will be sent to the factory to be made into something.  They are melted down, molded and colour is added.  Our school is getting a planter made from recycled bags and compressed wood.  Our buddy bench by the gardens was also made this way.  Bag it up is important because it helps to save the earth and environment just like when we did the Shoreline Clean-up.  Bags don't decompose for far too many years!!!  We need to recycle them instead!
Our school collected 1922 bags!!!  Last year, the province of Manitoba collected over one million bags!!!
Even though the Bag it Up challenge is over, you can still bring plastic bags to your local grocery stores.

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