We hope that all of our SSES families had a wonderful holiday break spent with family and friends! Our classrooms are filled with the excitement of seeing friends and sharing our favourite holiday memories. We are so thankful to everyone who is a part of our SSES family ~ we wish all of you a healthy and happy 2013!
New adventures and discoveries in January!
Exercise stations in Gym!
Enjoying our exercise room and Dance Dance Revolution!
Wonderful musicians!
Journalling and sharing a great book with a friend!
Happy New Year to our SSES family and community! It is great to see examples of how we engage minds and keep active as we learn at SSES. Research proves that exercising helps our brain to function at a higher level, and stretching our minds creatively and inquiring about the world around us helps us to learn even more. I am so excited about the coming year as we learn and grow together at SSES!